We all get busy. We all have lists of things we should do and lists of things we’d like to do. Yet so many people have an incredible ability to explain away or justify why it can’t be done now or why it hasn’t been done yet.

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Look back right now at how you’ve spent the last day or week.


Get honest with yourself about how you’ve used your time. Does your schedule match up with what you tell yourself or others matters most to you?


Living Life All


We all get busy. We all have lists of things we should do and lists of things we’d like to do. Yet so many people have an incredible ability to explain away or justify why it can’t be done now or why it hasn’t been done yet.

If you haven’t said the words yourself, chances are you’ve heard more than one person say them. Just as damaging as these excuses are the limiting beliefs we tell ourselves about all of the reasons we won’t succeed, the ways we could fall short and not reach the outcome we hope for. Those excuses and doubts pile up to create another destructive practice of calling it “good enough.”

If I looked at a detailed report of how you spent your time last week, would it match up with what you tell me you value most in life? If your boss was watching when you didn’t know they were, what would how they see you doing the little things tell them about how you may do the really important things?

Figuring out what you want in life is not a complicated process but it can be tough to break free of the shackles we’ve put on ourselves. The story we tell ourselves has a way of coming true and when someone has told themself for years all the reasons they can’t, it has an amazing way of coming true. The good news is that the inverse is just as true.

If you are ready to stop settling, stop putting off the work you know you should do to make the life you truly want in every aspect, then jump in and make that commitment to Living Life All In.

Start where you’re ready and then push yourself a little more. We’re here to meet you not just where you think you are but where you can be. At Living Life All In, there are pathways and options for everybody.

If you’re just poking around and wondering what’s possible, give a listen to the Living All In podcast or sit back and read the blog.

If you’re ready to start taking action on a self-guided path, use the podcast as inspiration or background guidance and jump into the Resources section for worksheets, guides and exercises you can do alone, with a partner or family.

If it’s time to make a serious change and you’re ready to do the work, to be held accountable and to create the life you’ve imagined, small-group or one-to-one coaching might be the path for you and we should have a conversation to see if you’re a fit for the Living Life All In executive coaching.

Whatever path is right for you on whatever timeline you’re ready to follow, take some action – however big or small – and then follow that with another. You’re likely to be amazed at what happens when you stop making excuses, stop thinking of the ways you could fall short and instead decide to go All In.


The Living Life All In blog features summaries of the podcast episodes, deeper dives into specific issues discussed and quick thoughts between shows including responses to listener questions.