We all get busy. We all have lists of things we should do and lists of things we’d like to do. Yet so many people have an incredible ability to explain away or justify why it can’t be done now or why it hasn’t been done yet.

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Berrick Abramson

Berrick Abramson

Executive & Leadership Coach | Mentor

I haven’t done much of anything the traditional or easy way but I’ve learned a lot along the way!

I’m the combination of the kid who left home before 15, the young man who served his country, the entrepreneur who created businesses in multiple sectors and as the head of a corporate finance and venture firm, helped shape, fund and grow dozens more. That person grew to be the consultant, negotiator and strategist who has advised senior government and business leaders across the country on some of the most complex issues they face.

My life has always been driven by a true belief that we are capable of so much more than we often believe. Equal to that belief has been a deep desire and commitment to help those willing to do the work accomplish what others say is impossible.

Along my journey, I’ve worked with some of the biggest names in technology, entertainment, finance, politics and government. I’ve mentored dozens of entrepreneurs, transitioning veterans, senior government and business leaders. People I’ve worked with and those who have worked for me have gone on to turn ideas into profitable businesses, to grow small businesses into multi-million dollar enterprises and brands at the epicenter of some of the fastest growing industries. Some have followed their personal missions to launch non-profits that have transformed lives for thousands and to be elected to city councils, state legislatures and the U.S. Congress.  Knowing that the team is as critical as the leader, I’ve been honored to support others as they built their own teams and strategic plans as newly elected mayors or governors and CEOs taking over to lead a new business.

In my own life, just as it felt like everything was hitting the perfect stride on all fronts – a fulfilling career, a return to fitness that had me in the best shape since my 20s and I’d found true love when I least expected it – life threw me a curveball. An incurable auto-immune disease tore through my body, destroying my digestive system, leaving me bleeding internally and down from 170 lean pounds to a 120lb shadow of myself that couldn’t walk.

Surgery to save me by removing my lower digestive system was one of what would be 21 surgeries in 36 months. That didn’t just start a medical journey and healing, it began a personal journey and path of healing on every front. I’m back. Stronger than ever physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m in the game but it’s the game I’m choosing to play and win with my rules, my objectives and my chosen teammates.

Today, I truly believe that we all have two lives. The second begins when we realize, we only have one. From my personal experience, I can tell you without question that when that realization comes, it can change you and your life path if you let it. It can empower you, energize you and open you up to a new view of life, of your purpose and your potential.

For me, that realization has meant figuring out what and who really matters; It has meant cutting out the things or people who don’t and making time for those people and things that do. It has meant prioritizing the relationships with loved ones and friends; it has meant saying yes far more often and when the opportunity to try, to explore, to learn or experience presents itself to leap at it.

It has also meant figuring out my purpose, what drives me and what I’m meant to do. At the top of that list is helping others to take full control of their own lives, to maximize their potential on every front and to spend each day living life all in.


The Living Life All In blog features summaries of the podcast episodes, deeper dives into specific issues discussed and quick thoughts between shows including responses to listener questions.