We all get busy. We all have lists of things we should do and lists of things we’d like to do. Yet so many people have an incredible ability to explain away or justify why it can’t be done now or why it hasn’t been done yet.

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Corporate & Group Coaching

Corporate & Group Coaching

Unlocking Team Potential to Achieve Extraordinary Results

Teams that share a vision are far more likely to bring that vision to life and to exceed expectations. From sales and marketing to operations, customer service and the bottom line, the power of team alignment and shared ownership of the map to the future cannot be overstated.

All of the corporate, group and organization level coaching programs draw on the proven model of the 1:1 mentorships and couples coaching in combination with decades of building and leading high-performing teams.

Collaborative development of the vision and plan of action creates buy-in and ownership.

Individual ownership and buy-in creates a direct line to accountability which drives outcomes.

Improved outcomes on group objectives + growth of the individual = Unstoppable Teams

Every team, division or organization has its own unique dynamics, objectives and factors that influence their performance. But whether in private business of any size, government offices or multi-entity partnerships, there are common threads that will determine success.

Because foundations are critical to sustainable change and to progress at scale, each group coaching program includes in-depth work with the group and each individual to establish and align on the most critical elements for organizational success. These include clarity on the vision and action plan for the action plan that informs an aligned vision for each team member and their individual plan of action.

Long-term success also requires the well-being, success and satisfaction with life in and outside the organization for each member of the team. To maximize organization success, these group coaching programs also offer each participating team member many of the supports from 1:1 mentoring programs. The depth and breadth of these supports is established based on the needs of the team and organization.

Group coaching is most effective through a mix of in-person and hybrid settings. Initial activities have the greatest impact when done in-person and held off-site if possible following interviews and discussions with each member of the team. Check-in frequency is driven by overall objectives and individual roles, needs and goals.

To start the process to see if working together would be a good fit, get in touch using the contact us form. We’ll send you a questionnaire to help us determine if it makes sense to have an interview about your group or organizational needs.

Coaching & Mentoring Available

The "all-in" expectation isn't for everyone. For those ready to make transformative change in their own life, their family or the organizations they lead, it's time to make the leap.

ONE on One Coaching

Whether it’s time for a major change and turnaround in one or more parts of your life, time to break through and take things to the next level or simply time to get clear about where you’re going and the path there, you’ll get the tools, the confidence and the plan to make it all happen.

Couples & Family Coaching

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In addition to deep-dive events for 1:1 and couples clients, each year, a limited number of events bring together senior leaders from the private sector, state and federal government and the global NGO and non-profit communities. These invite-only events provide a confidential forum for thought partnership and growth.


In addition to Couples Retreats, each year, a limited number of events bring together senior leaders from the private sector, state and federal government and the global NGO and non-profit communities. These invite-only events provide a confidential forum for thought partnership and growth.


The Living Life All In blog features summaries of the podcast episodes, deeper dives into specific issues discussed and quick thoughts between shows including responses to listener questions.